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Addressing Thermal Runaway in Lithium-Ion Energy Storage Systems

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"Addressing Thermal Runaway in Lithium-Ion Energy Storage Systems"

This article will educate readers about the potential fire dangers of Lithium-Ion batteries in energy storage systems and make the case for an integrated fire protection solution that combines off-gas monitoring and early intervention with traditional fire detection and suppression methods. It will provide tips and best practices for maintaining a safe Lithium-Ion energy storage operation. 

As the use of cost-effective Lithium-Ion batteries grows in energy storage applications like wind, solar and data storage, so does the inherent risk of fire hazards due to battery failure or damage leading to thermal runaway. Industries that depend on these applications need a new solution that effectively detects battery failure and intervenes to help prevent thermal runaway and the potential for fire events. This is done by actively monitoring for off-gases, which may be produced shortly after cell malfunction or damage occurs (several minutes before thermal runaway).

This article will educate readers about the potential fire dangers of Lithium-Ion batteries in energy storage systems and make the case for an integrated fire protection solution that combines off-gas monitoring and early intervention with traditional fire detection and suppression methods. It will provide tips and best practices for maintaining a safe Lithium-Ion energy storage operation. 

Offered Free by: Johnson Controls
See All Resources from: Johnson Controls

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